Ngaba kufuneka Ndivule okanye Ndivale iVignette kwiValorant? (2023)

Xa udlala umdlalo okwethutyana, ngakumbi imidlalo yeFPS, uqalisa ngokuzenzekelayo ukujonga useto, ikakhulu kuba ufuna ukusebenza ngakumbi okanye ufuna ukwazi ukuba yintoni esemva kokhetho loseto.

Sele sigubungele iinketho ezahlukeneyo zoseto kwibhlog yethu, kwaye unokufumana amanqaku ethu angaphambili kwezi zihloko Apha.

In Valorant, there is the Vignette option in the video settings. But what is it, and how does it affect my system?


Phawula: Eli nqaku labhalwa ngesiNgesi. Uguqulo kwezinye iilwimi alunakho ukubonelela ngomgangatho ofanayo wolwimi. Siyaxolisa ngeempazamo zegrama kunye neesemantiki.

What Does Vignette Mean in Gaming?

Vignette is a post-processing effect, which means that after rendering the image, Vignette is applied before the image appears on your screen.

Ukuba unomdla kwezinye iziphumo zasemva kokulungiswa, jonga eli nqaku:

Vignette in Valorant adds a darker/less saturated area around the edges of your screen to make the game look a bit more cinematic.

This automatically focuses more on the center of the screen, at least in theory.

In Valorant, I could only notice a minimal effect.

Without Vignette
With Vignette

If you look really closely, you can see a slight shadow around the edges of the screen, but only minimal. However, I suspect that this is also due to my screen, as I use a high value in the Black Equalizer setting on my IBenQ XL2546.

Black eQualizer brightens darker areas without overexposing lighter areas.

I would imagine that this reduces the vignette effect.

How Do You Activate Vignette in Valorant?

To activate Vignette, you can set Vignette to “On” in the video settings of Valorant, and the effect will be activated immediately in the game.

Does Vignette Lower FPS in Valorant?

Vignette is a post-processing operation that needs to be handled by your system in addition to the standard rendering.

Unless you have a high-end system, Vignette can be noticeable in the FPS.

It depends a lot on your system. When I tested Vignette a bit more closely for this article, I didn’t notice any FPS drops.

Does Vignette Increase Input Lag in Valorant?

As with the FPS, an additional post-processing process makes more work for your system, so it should typically also lead to an input lag, but again, I could not detect any noticeable input lag in my tests, so I can assume that the input lag is only minimally increased.

Ewe, kwakhona, kuxhomekeke kwindlela yakho. Ndenze iimvavanyo zam ngenkqubo ephezulu, ngoko andinakukwazi ukugweba ukuba iinkqubo ezibuthathaka zinokufumana imiba yokufaka igalelo.

Iingcebiso ezinyanisekileyo: Unaso isakhono, kodwa imawusi yakho ayikuxhasi injongo yakho ngokugqibeleleyo? Ungaze uphinde uzame ukubamba imawusi kwakhona. Masakari kwaye uninzi lwabasebenzi luxhomekeke kwi ILogitech G Pro X yokuqaqamba. Zibonele nge olu hlaziyo olunyanisekileyo ibhalwe ngu Masakari or khangela iinkcukacha zobugcisa kwiAmazon ngoku. Impuku yokudlala ekulingana nawe yenza umahluko omkhulu!

Comparison Vignette On or Off in Valorant


  • more focus on the center of the screen


  • iFPS encinci encinci
  • kancinci kancinci igalelo lag
  • less clarity at the edges of the screen

Final Thoughts – Turning Vignette On or Off in Valorant?

I have to be frank.

I don’t see why anyone would use the vignette effect in a shooter.

The only application I can think of where it might make sense would be in a horror game, to intentionally restrict vision there to create more tension with less vision.

In Valorant, however, it makes no sense at all; in the worst case, it costs performance.

Therefore, you should always leave the Vignette option set to “Off” in Valorant but also in any other shooter.

Especially in the competitive game Valorant, which was developed especially for Esports, I’m surprised about such an option. But maybe the developers thought, “nice to have”. 😀

To be clear, you won’t find any competitive or pro gamer in the world who uses the vignette effect in Valorant.

Masakari phuma - moep, moep.

Owayesakuba ngumdlali weqonga uAndreas "Masakari"U-Mamerow ube ngumdlali osebenzayo iminyaka engaphezu kwe-35, ngaphezu kwe-20 kubo kwindawo yokhuphiswano (Esports). Kwi-CS 1.5 / 1.6, PUBG kunye noValorant, ukhokele kwaye waqeqesha amaqela kwinqanaba eliphezulu. Izinja ezindala ziluma ngcono...

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