Esports vs Gaming | How Are Casual Gamers Different From Professional Gamers? (2023)

Masakari and I witnessed the beginnings of esports around the turn of the millennium. Since then there have been coined many undefined terms around esports, such as “virtual sports,” “eGaming,” or “competitive gaming.” With over 20 years of experience in esports, Masakari and I can give an exact definition to individual terms and especially to … Read more

How To Hit More Headshots in FPS Games (2023)

I’ve played FPS games for 35 years, over 20 of them competitive in leagues and tournaments. In every FPS game, whether realistic like PUBG or more arcade-like, e.g., Fortnite, there is one universal fact: a good player spreads headshots. As a general rule, you always want to land headshots because that achieves the most damage … Read more

5 Skills of Pro Gamers That Make the Difference in FPS (2023)

This post is about the differences between pro gamers and gamers. Professional gamers stand out with five skills. To make it to the top, you will need to master all of them. What are the crucial differences between a casual and a professional gamer? Unlike casual gamers, pro gamers must use all their skills and … Read more

Why Are First Person Shooters So Popular? (11+ Reasons)

First-Person Shooter Games like Fortnite, Call of Duty or Valorant, break records in player numbers year after year. Also, on streaming platforms such as Youtube and Twitch, Let’s Play Streams, which show FPS games, are undisputedly at the top. So the question is, what makes Shooter so popular? First-Person Shooters fascinate most players because of … Read more

FPS Cap in Shooter Games | Why, Disadvantages, Worth it? (2023)

Frames per second (FPS) in first-person shooter games are essential for a smooth visual perception. In my 20+ years of competitive gaming in Counterstrike, Valorant, Call of Duty, PUBG, and other FPS shooters, I asked myself with each new game, should I cap the FPS or not? The more FPS, the better the conventional wisdom, … Read more